Amendments Relating to Composting Facilities
The laws relating to new and existing composting facilities have changed. This article summarises the changes with particular focus on the new “4 kilometre

Advice on Penalty Infringement Notices
Penalty Infringement Notices (“PINs”) can be issued by the Government for a range ofmatters. Milne Legal can advise you about a range of PINs,

Minor Changes in the Planning Act 2016 (QLD)
The Planning Act 2016 (Qld) (PA) provides a process for making a “minor change” to a development approval. Usually, a minor change application should

Ministerial Extensions during COVID-19
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Queensland Government issued three “Extension Notices” pursuant to section 275R of the Planning Act 2016 (“the

Infrastructure Charge Notices
Once a development approval is issued, if the development is going to place extra demand on the Council’s trunk infrastructure networks, an infrastructure charges

Dividing Fences and Trees
The Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 (“the ND Act”) defines the ND Act’s objections to provide rules about each neighbour’s responsibility

Costs in the Planning and Environment Court
Section 59 of the Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 (“PECA”) sets out that the usual course in a Planning and Environment Court proceeding

conversion applications
Another element of infrastructure charging to consider is whether trunk infrastructure isrequired to be provided by a development which has not been recognised as

National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) Reporting obligations under the Queensland Environmental Protection Regulation 2019
The Queensland Department of Environment and Science (“the DES”) has recently been crosschecking facilities with an environmental authority with the reporting requirements under theNPI.

Environmental Protection Act amendments – Non-compliance with the General Environmental Duty may soon be an offence
An independent review of powers and penalties under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (“the EP Act”) has recently been completed, and its recommendations supported

Proposed amendments to Logan Planning Scheme 2015
Submissions are currently open for public viewing and comment for the following proposed amendments to the Logan Planning Scheme 2015: Health Care Service

Tyre and Waste Storage and the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990.
Environmental Authority (EA) holders that participate in waste and recycling activities must ensure that they are meeting their general environmental duty and reducing the