Minor Changes in the Planning Act 2016 (QLD)

The Planning Act 2016 (Qld) (PA) provides a process for making a “minor change” to a development approval. Usually, a minor change application should be made to the
assessment manager for the development application (which is most often the local Council), however in certain circumstances the application must be made to the Planning and Environment Court, the Minister or a referral agency.

Milne Legal can represent you in the Planning and Environment Court to make a minor change application.

A minor change application to the Court will need to be supported by relevant expert evidence. Usually, this involves at minimum an affidavit from a town planner. Depending on the nature of the change, it may also involve a traffic engineer, an architect, a hydraulic engineer or an ecologist, as examples.

If a change does not meet the “minor change” test, the PA provides a separate process referred to as an “other” change.

Milne Legal can assist you with determining whether your proposed change meets the minor change test, or whether an “other” change application should be made and can assist you with those applications.

Milne Legal provides advice and represents clients in relation to a range of town planning law matters. If you would like to get in touch, please contact our office on (07) 3210 0943 or email us at admin@milnelegal.com.au.

This publication is general in nature. Its content is current at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and you should always seek legal advice based on your particular circumstances prior to making any decisions relating to matters covered by this publication. Certain details may have been sourced from external references, and we cannot assure the accuracy or timeliness of such information.