Proposed amendments to Logan Planning Scheme 2015

Submissions are currently open for public viewing and comment for the following proposed amendments to the Logan Planning Scheme 2015: 


Health Care Service Amendment

  • Purpose: To introduce a new development code to regulate Health care services providing particular guidance on location, design and amenity. The code will also include focused provisions that seek to regulate pharmacotherapy clinics with respect to location, separation distances, indoor waiting area size and mechanical surveillance.


Housing and Lot Diversity Amendment

  • Purpose: To align the requirements for reconfiguring a lot with community expectations through changes in lot size and frontage requirements while also establishing lot frontage diversity requirements for larger scale residential developments.


Major Planning Scheme Amendment 2021

  • Makes various major changes to multiple sections of the planning scheme and planning scheme policies.


Mixed Use Zone Amendment

  • Purpose: To implement Council’s vision and strategy for employment land in Logan. The amendment specifically seeks to introduce four precincts within the Mixed use zone, identify preferred land uses for each new precinct and optimise the zoning of industrial land.


Public consultation for these amendments is available from Monday 7 February, to Friday 4 March 2022. More information and links to the planning scheme feedback form can be found on the Council website.